Friday, May 3, 2024

Proof Of Life!

I'm still here! I haven't posted for a while because I have done nothing travel related but I am well. I just completed another voyage around the Sun and celebrated my 79th birthday a few days ago. My friend Penny invited me down to Victoria where she wined and dined me at an All You Can Eat Sushi restaurant. It was delicious and we both walked away full! Penny's son Mike (and Erynn) also included tickets for a concert by an Eagles Tribute Band that was very good. It was a good birthday! I stayed around Victoria for a few days and then headed home, stopping at my son's place in Shawnigan Lake on the way. His work schedule is crazy and I don't get to see him near often enough! It seems he just started his company and now he is talking about retirement but when I think about it he is almost as old as I was when I retired! Time flies!

I have been looking after my friend (and sometimes house guest) Kelly's cat, Grace. while Kelly went on a cruise. I tried to avoid it but agreed in the end and am so happy I did. She is no trouble and is old enough (10) to just want to hang out with me and chill. I feed her and clean her litter once a day but other than that I don't even know she is around except for when I get up from my TV chair to get a coffee and she is on my lap! Kelly's daughter and my friend Brian dropped in regularly while I was gone and made sure she was not lacking in companionship, food, water and treats! Kelly is back from her cruise and will be taking Grace back home to Nanaimo later today. I will miss the little girl but Kelly has more plans to leave her with me a few times over the summer. Needless to say, Kelly got back before me and the house is totally spotless with new bedding on my bed. She is the ideal house-guest! 

The weather is improving and they have already declared water restrictions. And this is just shortly after having to open the dam because the reservoir was too full! Campbell River does not have a water shortage problem, it has a water delivery problem! New housing is being built at a crazy rate but the water mains have not been updated. On top of this, it is going to be another hot, dry summer with forest fires. maybe a new record for the Province. It will mean lots of staying inside and in my case with the furnace fan running to try to maintain a positive pressure to keep the smoke out. At least some of it!

Anyway, all for now. I hope all my Blogging / RV'ing friends are well, I do enjoy keeping track of everyone as much as possible.


  1. We house sat my son's dog a few months go. We had been dogless for a few years after our last dog died of old age. Linda enjoyed the care, feeding and exercising of my son's old dog so much that we went down to the dog pound and picked out an old mut and brought it home. A very big dog. Like a hundred pounds. I have young grandchildren and we have a coyote problem so a bigger dog was best at this stage in our life. I've not seen a coyote crap pile since the dog joined our crew . Pets are work, lots of work but they give back as much as we give. take care, nk

  2. Nice update and sounds like a fun birthday. Good idea for Brooks to plan ahead.

  3. Happy belated birthday. Grace sounds like a perfect house guest to me.

  4. It was so much easier when we were traveling and facing new adventures each day. These days I am bot living a very interesting life and what I do is local, not too many know what I am talking about. I enjoyed Blogging a lot and did a lot of it but what I wrote back then was way more interesting than what I could write nowbut having said that, I hear you and will work on the idea!
