Today's project was a little less technical than yesterdays! Today we stained much of the patio furniture. We have a lot of wood patio furniture, some came with us when we moved from Terrace in 1989, some Norma bought during her years at Forest Renewal BC and some we bought from friends here in Campbell River. The one thing all the pieces have in common is a need for regular maintenance.
We scraped, wire brushed and sanded to get the old "stuff" off and rolled and brushed a new coat of stain on. Three boards on the ancient picnic table were in sad shape so I made a quick trip to the local building supply to buy new ones. It was a long day and now that we are finished my knees, ankle and back hurt. All I want to do is flop into my favorite chair and watch TV tonight. Some days I feel young and some days I feel old. Today is one of the later..
My hands are staining but my mind is dreaming of Mexico.............
We Get What We Deserve
11 hours ago
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