Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration and MLK Day

A mixed emotion day! I am sure most of you will remember most if not all of these photos. It is important to remember our past. It is a long but fulfilling journey we are on and we are nowhere near finished.

From where we came:

Selma_to_Montgomery_MarchesRobert_Kennedy_CORE_rally_speech2Landscape514px-Wattsriots-policearrest-loc101st_Airborne_at_Little_Rock_Central_HighRobert_F_Kennedy_cropJFK-Robert-EdwardRFK_and_MLK_togetherRFK_speech_on_MLKKennedy_brosRfk_assassinationCE390Clint_Hill_on_the_limousineMartin_Luther_King_Jr_NYWTSLorraine_Motel_04_15_Mar_2012Lorraine_Motel_02_15_MAR_2012mlk_cover_1181528MLK-360martin-luther-king-jr-day-clip-artleonard_peltierrally2Cesar_Chavez_DayHarvey-Milk-9408170-1-402Cesar_chavez_visita_a_colegio_cesar_chavezcivil-rights-dogsMLK_and_Malcolm_X_USNWR_croppedI am a man

To where we are:



  1. I've stood where he gave his I Have a Dream Speech. You could still feel his energy there and imagine the crowd below you.

  2. Amen, and thanks for the photos, sad as they are. You're so right--still so much work to be done.

    I was brought up on Joan Baez. Today, in memoriam, I found a photo of Joan walking with MLK. And I am playing Peter, Paul & Mary's Freedom Medley, "Set on Freedom".

    One of the few benefits to aging is that some of us benefited from living though those times. Yes, they were horrifying, and also inspiring.

  3. Nice photo tribute Croft.

    I once got to meet MLK and shake his hand. He was a magical man and proved that you can change the world with non-viloence.

  4. Excellent blog Croft. I was thinking today, after a civil war and 150 years we finally have a black president and now for a second term.

    Not a very progressive country, is it?

  5. Replies
    1. I knew there would be at least one there you would recognize Bill. ;) You are in good company!

    2. For my readers, that is Bill with the flag, surrounded by MLK, Leonard Peltier, Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk. Like I said, he is in good company!

  6. Nice post, great pictures. Safe travels.

  7. I enjoyed your post and your pictures. Thank you.
