It was very warm and extremely humid for the week we were there. There was some fast moving off shore cloud most of the time but we did not get even a taste of any tropical depressions or hurricanes. We had some heavy rain a couple of nights which woke us up but did not last long. Typical for the tropics.
The humidity was very high the whole time we were there. We left damp beach towels out on the covered patio between Brooks and Linda and us and they did not dry at all, day or night. T-shirts did not work well for me. They stayed soaked with sweat all day. A white cotton loose fitting shirt was the best.
The hotel had a satellite TV system and we got The Weather Channel but it did not cover Cuba. It did however give us CNN as well as CTV from Canada (Edmonton). This enabled us to monitor the path of Hurricane Richard as it crossed the Yucatan.
A walk on the beach
10 hours ago
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