Tuesday, May 5, 2009

!Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo to all my Mexican friends! This is the day to be with your families, share a meal and celebrate the Mexican Army’s defeat of the French forces at Puebla on May 5, 1862.

On that day at Puebla’s Fort of Cerro de Guadalupe, Mexican General Ignacio de Zaragoza and his 2000 men defeated a frontal attack by 6000 French troops! This occasion has been celebrated ever since with the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo.

In Mexico’s favour that day was the fact that the French invaders were not expecting an organized defence of the city plus many of the French troops were suffering from the common Mexican tourist’s malady, diarrhea and were probably more interested in finding the banos than they were in spreading French Imperialism. The French did however, return the following year to take the city which they occupied for four years.

The Battle of Puebla:


The Party:


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