We had a great sleep in the Visitors Center. There is a guard on duty (part time anyway) but even with the great deal on overnight parking, we shared the parking lot with only two other RV's. We were anxious to try out the free "DOT" bus system that takes you all around Savannah and lets you on and off at stops all along the route. We got on right in front of the Visitors Center and rode past many of the city's squares and residential areas before getting off as close to the river as possible. It was a one block walk and an elevator ride down to River Street where we hoped to take the free streetcar up and down the historic riverfront area. This was not to be as the streetcar had not been running for over a year. No problem, we walked. It took a long time because there are hundreds of clothing and craft stores along the way and Norma had to check out most of them while I sat and waited on the very conveniently located park benches along the way.
My hard and fast rule is that whatever she buys on these excursions, she has to carry herself. I refuse to be her pack mule as I would soon be laden down, waiting for that final straw that would figuratively break my back! Carrying her own pillage requires her to keep her credit card in her pocket more and keeps my hands free for other things, like taking photos. There is no danger of me buying "stuff".
One Craft Brewery, Why Not Two?
Directly across the street from the Visitors Center is The Distillery, another craft brewery with great reviews on their food. Not feeling like heading out for another trip through town, we walked across the street only to find an extremely popular, crowded and noisy "Distillery". It was a young crowd of after work drinkers and eaters and after finding the reservation desk we learned it would be 30 - 45 minutes before we could be seated. Spotting two vacant stools at the long bar, we grabbed them, ordered a drink and waited. Norma ordered a Chardonnay (which she liked this time) and I a "Boston Lager" craft beer on draught. Her wine was $5 and my beer only $3 for a pint as it was Happy Hour. We were soon taken to our table but were told I would have to return to the bar to pay my tab as it was not transferable to the restaurant. This was annoying because I had to wait for ten minutes to find someone to pay.
I ordered fish and chips and Norma, fish tacos. The portions were huge! I managed to get through mine but Norma gave up after one of her two tacos. I ate the large piece of fish from hers and left the rest behind. We added another drink to the tab and it totaled $38 + $8 from the bar + tip. A little expensive but a fun night.
There was some kind of a draw going on and the guy at the next table won a beer company t-shirt which he gave Norma because "blue is not a man's color". We also got into a conversation about Canada's Medical system with the table on the other side. The guy liked the idea of socialized medical but hated Obama's idea of including everyone in it. He thought it should cover only people who worked and paid taxes. Our explanation of the "One Big Pot" that you put into according to ability and draw out of according to need was lost on him. He finally admitted it was "Mexicans" he did not want covered. Yes, we have come a long way! Or not!
City Hall
River Street
Another shop in a neat old building.
The Waving Girl Statue. She was the sister of the lighthouse keeper and greeted every ship as it entered the port.
So much to see in Mexico City
15 hours ago
Looks like fun day you had, reasonable camping, free transportation, and an excellent meal, what more can you ask for?
ReplyDeleteOh, that takes me back a ways! River Street doesn't seem to have changed much in six years. You guys are looking great; way more tan than I would have expected with the weather you've been having.
ReplyDeleteSeems like you are a little hard on a very sweet woman Croft - carry her stuff now and again - I am pretty sure she deserves the occasional assistance ;-) (Nice photo of you two by the way - Norma is prettier)
ReplyDeleteToo bad we weren't with you guys. I could have kept you company on the bench (get my drift :) ). I have been studying the ACA webpage and have helped a couple of seniors find their way through it. Doable, I just don't like the three-tiered system. I found a good deal, actually several, for myself. In Canada you don't have the influx of illegals like the U.S., I could understand some of that guy's concerns. We now know how hard it is to get into Canada.
ReplyDeleteRae is right, did you have that tan sprayed on ;) you're looking good!
ReplyDeleteNice to see you out in the sunshine. You never did say how many packages Norma ended up carrying:)