Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Corning, California
I don't know when we will get a good WIFI connection to update the Blog but when I can, I will!
It is 80 degrees outside right now and I have to find my shorts.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Welcome to the New Blog
We will be leaving Campbell River on October 25th and taking the ferry over to Port Angeles, WA on the 26th. From there we will head down to Yuma where we will meet up with some old friends who have a place there. We also have to buy new six volt batteries for the RV. We are looking forward to sharing our adventure with you!
We will be leaving Campbell River on October 25 to catch the Port Angeles Ferry from Victoria on the 26th. We will head down to Yuma for a few days to buy new batteries for the RV and to catch up with some old friends. We will cross the border into Mexico shortly after November 1. Please join us on this trip at:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Time to Leave
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Windproof Satelite Dish Mount

I found plans for this ground level dish mount on the Internet and decided to build one. It was very simple to build using some inexpensive PVC pipe and connectors. Because of the very low center of gravity, it should survive high winds while staying firmly on the ground. I took the opportunity to upgrade to the larger dish to help find and pull in the weaker StarChoice signal in Southern Mexico.
This will be a huge relief as most travelers in Mexico have either had the same problem themselves or know someone who did. StarChoice dishes are impossible to replace in Mexico so the only option is to try to repair them. The repair we did was actually very good and the dish still works well. This one will be better.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Windproof Satelite Dish Mount

I found plans for this ground level dish mount on the Internet and decided to build one. It was very simple to build using some inexpensive inch and a half PVC pipe and connectors. Because of the very low center of gravity, it should survive high winds while staying firmly on the ground. I took the opportunity to upgrade to the larger dish to help find and pull in the weaker StarChoice signal in Southern Mexico.
This will be a huge relief as most travelers in Mexico have either had the same problem themselves or know someone who did. StarChoice dishes are impossible to replace in Mexico so the only option is to try to repair them. The repair we did was actually very good and the dish still works well. This one will be better.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Gas Prices

Here in Canada, Regular gas is selling for $1.16 CAN or $.97 USA per litre.
In the USA, it is selling for $3.00 / Gal or $.79 USA per litre.
In Mexico, Magna is $7.44 Pesos or $.59 USA per litre.
I have enough in the tank to make it to Washington State where I will fill up. I will remember to fill the tank before entering California where prices are much higher.
I like buying gas in Oregon because they have banned self-serve stations. They have done this simply by requiring a special license to pump gas. These are easy to get after a short safety course and the practice provides meaningful employment for tens of thousands of (mostly young) people in Oregon. My first job was pumping gas in a Chevron Station in Vancouver, BC in 1961. It was a good job and probably the most “fun” job I have ever had. I am still friends with one of the other workers there.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Gas Prices
Here in Canada, Regular gas is selling for $1.16 CAN or $.97 USA per litre.
In the USA, it is selling for $3.00 / Gal or $.79 USA per litre.
In Mexico, Magna is $7.44 Pesos or $.59 USA per litre.
I have enough in the tank to make it to Washington State where I will fill up. I will remember to fill the tank before entering California where prices are much higher.
I like buying gas in Oregon because they have banned self-serve stations. They have done this simply by requiring a special license to pump gas. These are easy to get after a short safety course and the practice provides meaningful employment for tens of thousands of (mostly young) people in Oregon. My first job was pumping gas in a Chevron Station in Vancouver, BC in 1961. It was a good job and probably the most “fun” job I have ever had. I am still good friends with one of the people I worked with there!
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Dismal Dollar
The Canadian dollar seems to be in a free fall right now, having dropped another four cents today alone. The Peso is doing the same and the USA, the country with the collapsing economy is watching it's dollar doing well in relation to the other two. What is going on! When we bought the motorhome in April, the CAN dollar was at par with the USA. Today our Loonie is worth only eighty-five cents! When we were in Mexico last winter we could buy 10.5 Pesos for one CAN dollar, today that one CAN dollar will buy eleven Pesos so whatever has happened to the CAN dollar has pretty much happened to the Peso!
What is inflating the Yankee dollar remains a mystery. Maybe it is being artificially inflated by all the folks bailing out of the Stock Market and converting to cash. That might do it, but if this is what is doing it, it should reverse when things start to recover and people start using these dollars to buy back into the Market. I am not an economist but this seems to make sense. At least in my scenario there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Out My Office Window
Just a couple of shots of our neighbours taken out the window of my computer room / office! They live in the bush in the back of our property and drop over for a few flowers from the garden once in a while. I talk to them and my wife yells at them and chases them. They are getting a mixed message from this family.
Like the Mexican people used to own the Southwest United States, these deer used to own this property. Unlike some Americans, I welcome these former owners back for their periodic visits.