As we left the Migration Office at Kilometer 30 of Highway 45 after turning in our Temporary Vehicle Importation Hologramas and our Tourist Cards, we passed by an ambulance parked beside the building awaiting a call. The door was open so we said “Buenas Tardes” to the driver who responded in perfect English. He wanted to know where we lived and what we thought of his Country. He introduced the man beside him as a Doctor. That set me back as I know Canadian and American ambulances do not come equipped with a Doctor. I asked him if all Mexican Ambulances had a Doctor riding along and was told “all the time on certain highways and on others just on busy holidays”. This is just one more of the very progressive services they provide down here. It is amazing what Governments can fund when they are not paying billions to have troops out killing innocent people in all corners of the world!
Coming Attractions
9 hours ago
Ahhhh, Croft & Norma, some day, ask me what I think of the medical system in Mexico! The Medical community in the US could learn a LOT from their neighbor to the south. When the ambulance came for my husband, his own Pulmonologist and favorite nurse were both on board. We were not charged for the ambulance service. Amazing!