Finally! No clouds in the sky and a forecast for a couple of good days. Time to get things done
I collected all the bird feeders and took them into the workshop to be filled. Well, here is the first problem, a rat has been visiting and the big bag of bird seed has a hole chewed into the side and there is seed all over the floor. I scooped up most of it and used it to fill the feeders and sealed up the rest in old coffee cans. That should keep the bugger out. I then found the rat traps, loaded them with nice fresh peanut butter and put two in the workshop, one in Norma's garden shed and one in the new garden shed out back. I also found some rat poison we bought in the US last year, cut a couple of pieces off and put them on the floor of the workshop. Overkill? Sure, but I want to get them!
The neighbor in the rental next door has two big cats which normally control the rat population but also keep the birds away from the feeder. Brooks and LindaLee were up last week with Juneau, their Husky who left enough scent around that the cats are staying clear. This has brought the birds back to the feeders but also opened up the territory for the rats. You can't win!
Next on my to-do list was to replace the bulbs in the motion sensor driveway lights. That was a quick job and now I am almost done with my list. The only thing remaining is to take down the torn and tattered flag on the peak of the house. To do this I have to get the extension ladder out from behind Norma's shed but she had Beau, her lawn guy. clean up the yard and pile everything in front of the ladder. It will take an hour to organize that pile. That sounds like a tomorrow job.
I also have to start negotiating a departure date with Norma so I can make a dental appointment in Algodones, Mexico where I have to spend a few days getting implants. I also have to visit my financial guy here to free up some money to pay for the implants. They charge US dollars so it is going to cost more than I planned on, maybe as much as $11,000 CAN but I hope not much more than that.
Then I have to buy car insurance for Mexico (US dollars) and Travel Health Insurance (CAN dollars) for six months. The peso value against the Canadian dollar has risen a little so the cost of living in Mexico is not as good a deal as it was last time we were there but we will manage. The price of gas in Mexico is in flux right now. For the first time ever it is different in price in different parts of the country. Border regions and the Baja are cheaper than the interior with these areas selling cheaper to compete with US prices.
Mexico Mike reports regular gas selling for 13.57 pesos or $1,09 CAN per liter. That is compatible to what we are paying in Canada right now. Converted to US gallons and US dollars that comes to $3.35 US per gallon. Mexico used to have the cheapest gas in North America but no more.