No one is safe from the tyranny. Today it is brown skinned people, Muslim or Hispanic, tomorrow it could be another color or race. Norwegians may be on some future list in the mind of a madman. Or English people. It is unpredictable and there seems to be no effective opposition to the current President.
Are we going to spend our hard earned money in the USA next winter? Not likely. We have to make a statement that what is going on down there is simply unacceptable and cannot be supported. We enjoyed our winters down there and have made friends with many individual Americans. It is not these individual Americans we have a problem with but is the leadership of their country. I know the $20K or so that we spend down there every year is just a drop in their bucket but we have to make a statement, no matter how small.
I don't know what the solution is. Many friends and our son say we should just fly somewhere in Mexico or Central America and rent a house for a few months. That has it's appeal but is not the way we like to travel, we like being able to move around and we like having all our "stuff" with us. Another possibility is to just hold our noses and drive directly through the USA, boondocking as we go spending money only on gas. We could be in Mexico in four or five days. The return home in April would be the same and would limit our exposure to the Death Star that is today's USA. Of course by then they may have concentration camps on their northern border.
The discussion will continue.

Spending time in Mexico is on our agenda as well, such disaster down there.
ReplyDeleteWe may be joining you!
DeleteWe are thinking of Mexico too!
DeleteMaybe the Canadian government might be able to accept some of the thousands of illegals entering the U.S. Respecting the US rules on immigration would be a great thing.
We do our share Clark, maybe more than our share. One of every five Canadians was born outside of Canada. Can the US say the same?
DeleteThese "illegals" want nothing more than to be "legal". They want to work, pay taxes, support and raise their families in safety. What they find is a system that is impossible for them to enter legally and a wall of hatred facing them at the border.
DeleteI prefer not call the current batches of immigrants from Cental America "illegal" or "legal." These particular immigrants are "seeking asylum" legally (under US law) from proven death and starvation in the heir own countries. Non-profit organizations run by people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates (and yes, Hillary Clinton's Foundation) can only do so much for the refugee population in those countries. The US in past administrations has provided a great deal of foreign aid to these countries and shall we say had "a word of prayer" with these countries' dictators. Currently, there seems to be no US government food programs to these countries, diplomacy, or backing these dictators up against a wall and saying "let us pray." The slow down at legal US entry points for these asylum seekers has been intentional which leads them to entering the country illegally.
DeleteIf it helps anyone draw their own personal conclusions. The following are some data issued in 2016 by Canada and the US regarding immigration and ethnicity in each respective country:
Canada Population 35,151,728
European or White 72.9 percent
Black 3.5 percent
Latin American 1.3 percent
Asian 15.9 percent
Arab 1.5 percent
Aboriginal 4.9 percent
Unites States Population 318,558,162
European or White 62.o percent
Black 12.6 percent
Latin American 17.3 percent
Asian 5.2 percent
Native American .8 percent
Other 2.1 percent
40 million American are foreign born, more than the population of Canada. 13% of American. These figures do not include the estimated 12-20 million people who are not here legally. Add these to the foreign born and it is much greater than 13%
DeleteCanada has very strict immigration policies. They only will give express service to highly skilled immigrants. I would imagine that 80% of American immigrants could not immigrate to Canada. At one time a person from Asia could buy citizenship if they invested $250K in a Canadian company.
I saw where a 6 year old Costa Rican boy was dropped off by the human smuggler and told that the US Border Patrol would pick him up. I lived in Costa Rica for over 6 years and it is a peaceful country and they don't even have a military. The Ticos are the first to admit they don't need a military since the US will come to their aid.
If one is seeking "aslyum" they must present themselves at the first country they come into. Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua people would not arrive at the US first.
What responsibility does Mexico and the above countries have to take care of their own people? I read blogs all the time praising how wonderful it is in Mexico. It seems to me they are shirking the duties and passing the problems on to other countries.
Clark, "... they must present themselves at the first country they come into...". Please, please, let everyone know from what document you took those words.
DeleteAlso, you need to refresh yourself from your college World History course. Do you remember studying about the Monroe Doctrine set forth by James Monroe in 1823 and has been used, added to, and interpreted up to this day. In short, it relates to the United States' commitment to protect the Americas and serve as "Big Brother" in times of need. The United States has envoked that Doctrine (as amended over the ages) many times in modern history. That commitment has been destroyed under the Trump administration.
By the way, Mexico (as one of the countries we pledged to protect) has made no open commitment through policy or law to accept asylum seekers from Central America. But the United States has made that commitment starting in 1823.
I wanted to address Clark's statement "40 million American are foreign born ...". Yes, that could be true, but I haven't yet verified your figures. Clark, have you even thought as to the reasons why that statement could be true? We now live in a country which is highly mobile internationally. Employees of US companies participating in the global markets send their US citizen employees and their families around the world to live and work, and when Mother Nature calls, the babies are going to be born on foreign soil. The same is true of the US military and their families and of families on vacation or visiting other families in other countries. When Mother Nature calls, you answer where ever you are. So I don't get the point you are making.
DeleteIf you are addressing your mistaken reasoning that undocumented immigrants are not counted in the US Census, you are wrong. At least in the last two Census-taking (it is done every ten years), the Census forms are worded and prepared in such a way that all could participate without threat or suspicion that the undocumented person would be hassled in any way. Because of that, participation was found to be large, and the Census achieved its goal of a very accurate head count.
The future Census for 2020 will not be considered by field professionals to be very accurate, as the new Census forms being prepared as we speak will change significantly. Two of the crucial questions which will be on the forms are "Are you a US citizen, if not, why?" "Are you an undocumented immigrant?" The 2020 Census probably should not be done at all because the new content of the form defeats the purpose for which the Census was intended. And, of course and in that case, it is a very expensive project that taxpayers pay for with no accurate results for the money.
Happy Canada Day! We feel your pain.This ignoramus and his band of deplorables,aka congress and senators have sold us out. We have new friends,Russia,China,North Korea and the Philippines....all good places for a golf resort and hotel. All I can say is MAMA....Make America Mine Again !
ReplyDeleteOne day, hopefully soon, you will get your country back Richard.
DeleteAs July 4th approaches I really cannot muster much sense of patriotism given the current state of affairs in my country. I hope that one or both houses of Congress will be won by the Democrats so that the Orange "Pendejo" is thwarted.
ReplyDeleteCannot blame you one bit for not wanting to travel here. If I were from another country, the U.S.A. would not be on my list of travel destinations right now.
It is a sad situation as we do have friends and family there. I hope this situation does not go on long!
DeleteRetired Teacher, that is why it is so important that we vote in our respective states' "grass roots" elections on November 6, 2018.
DeleteNo different than under Obama.
DeleteExcept for some very narrow circumstances (drug smuggling or other criminal activities) there was no family separation under Obama.
DeleteOf course there was Croft. The law enacted by Clinton in the 90s guaranteed that. The real issue is you folks suffering from TDS refuse to acknowledge it.
DeleteBut I do have to say I'm glad you're not coming as we already have enough actual citizens who hate this country that we don't need anymore non-citizens. So please, stay home.
Don, I wish you would be more specific and less vague. Such vague statements lends itself to demagoguery. And, of course, you did not intend that to happen. Right!!
DeleteThe Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRAIRA) was for the purpose of clarifying and streamlining US immigration laws. More simply put, this legislation drew a line between "good" immigrants and "bad" immigrants (not to be confused with the "asylum seeker" category). "Bad" immigrants were those subject to deportation because they committed offenses which led to five years or more in jail. "Good" immigrants were those who committed no offenses at all or who committed lesser offenses. When this legislation was tested in the US Supreme Court, the question arose as to whether this Act could be applied to immigrants retroactive to the passage of the Act. The Court in 2001 said that Congress had no such intention.
P.S. As Ronald Reagan said to Jimmy Carter in a campaign debate, "There you go again." Don, of course, families were separated then when one member immigrant was convicted of a major offense (five or more years in jail) and deported. The WHOLE family wasn't convicted and, therefore, deported. Why should they suffer?
DeleteIt is a good thing there are approximately 191 other countries in the world to choose from. Can't for the life of me figure out why everyone is so obsessed with what goes on in the United States.
ReplyDeleteKevin, please give us a list of countries we can visit with our RV that do not include a trip through the US. :)
DeleteYou've read our blog. While we agree that RV travel is great, we've proven that other types of travel are also satisfying. You know that travel to different countries and different cultures opens your eyes and your mind. You should try something new. Flights are cheap. Go somewhere new.
DeleteI was so glad to hear Trudeau put tariffs on products where it hurts the 'republicans!' Sock to them and put them out of business and let them come down to our level. Yes, bring it on foreign countries and put tariffs on rich people's business and punch them where it hurts. We at the lower level are use to living without luxury so hopefully it won't hurt us much. Some US states who voted for Drump are crying and complaining about tariffs already. Yes, go spend your money in Mexico...they need it much more. Illegals flocking to America are coming under the now false 'American Dream' slogan. They need to stay in their country where they will not be separated from their children. Horrible, horrible scenario in the country that I still love but not the politicians who stole the election and running our country into the ground. With foreign help i.e. tariffs, sanctions, travel will help us win the country back from the clown and his circus...not to mention his XMRWE#%^ wife. She is not a first lady rather a first XNTET#$% Whew!!. Thank you for supporting us.
ReplyDeleteThank YOU Rita and hang in there, even this shall pass!
DeleteWe spent 3 months and 10ish thousand dollars there last year, and the 9 years previous. We are now shopping Canadian, and didn't renew our reservation in the US. If we all keep our money here, maybe we won't see the financial consequences Trump is calling down on his followers.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kris. Please stay away. As I mentioned to Croft, we don't need anymore TDS people who hate the country for stupid reasons.
DeleteDon, your President hates people for their race and color. We have much more noble reasons.
DeleteDon, Don, Don... Is that any way to treat a Canadian? You are confusing them with the Mexicans, Muslims and all the other foreigners that are out there you can hate.
DeleteIt could spread south to Mexico. It's wait and see with our new populist president.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know AMLO has never demonstrated any racist tendencies. I think you are going to be surprised by your new President.
DeleteVery surprised. I have watched his antics for 30 years. He's never held a job in his life. His son who drives a Lambo and skis in the Alps just announced he is marrying a Ms Universe from Venezuela. Coincidence? Hardly. Wait two years and watch for mass immigration. The guy has strong ties to Cuba and Venezuela. Lets face it, you can't stop corruption if you are corrupt. It's all so laughable.
DeleteEmail comment from Al:
ReplyDeleteWe just got home from visiting the kids and grand kids in northern Ontario, and I thought that I would make a late comment on your thoughts about boycotting the US this winter. I can't help thinking that you are "shooting yourself in the foot" with this thought. I believe that you have a couple of years on me (age wise) and I've found that the warm winters down south compared to winters here in Canada agree with my body and (I think) may extend my time here in earth.
We have gone south now for 12 years after retirement and we now stay in the US since Mexico got a bit violent in 2010 for our liking. I find it very interesting down there in the US, when Obama was president the locals in Palm Springs protested "impeach Obama" when he arrived for golf and now in Borrego Springs the folks protest Trump every Saturday. In addition when we talk politics (very carefully!) nobody we talk to voted for Obama when we was president and now nobody voted for Trump!
For my 2 devalued Canadian cents worth, there are a majority of folks down there (and also here in Canada) that are tired of the left leaning politicians that talk for 30 minutes and say nothing, but they really know how to extract money from everyone's pockets! (sometimes for useless causes). We saw this electoral trend in Ontario with Ford's election and I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump re-elected down there, Trudeau will probably (hopefully) be dumped up here in a couple of years.
I realize that this is not how you lean politically but it seems it's the way of the world these days.
My recommendation to you for this winter would be to hold your nose, not talk politics down in the US and treat your body to a warm winter down there, your body will appreciate it!
I know not everyone will agree with me but I stand by my decision. I cannot stand by and contribute to the economy of a country that puts babies in a concentration camp and has all but admitted that they are now unable to reunite all of these children with their families. There are so many other issues but these two alone justify the term, "evil empire".
DeleteI have never kept my mouth shut when confronted by people I am ideologically apposed to and after 73 years am not going to start now.