I spent two hours on the phone today answering endless questions about our health. I decided today was the day to settle the health insurance problem for six months in the US.
I called three places, BCAA. Johnson Insurance and Desjardins.
BCAA was recommended by Rod and Sylvia. After answering all their questions I was given the total: $5,468 with zero deductible and $5,223 with $1000 deductible. Wow! I asked her to save the quote but that I was going to call a few others.
Johnson was next. Norma and I each belong to a retirees group that is affiliated with Johnson Insurance. Norma the BC Government Retired Employees Assn and I the BC Assn Of Retired Telecommunications Workers. Rates were slightly different for each group and in our case she chose my discount instead of Norma's. It came in at a more reasonable $3,950 with no deductible and no option for a deductible. The nice thing about this plan was that it was for a year and covered us for as many additional trips as we wanted next summer of less than 35 days each. OK, one more to try.
We have used Desjardins (the issuer of our Visa credit card) every time we have traveled. When Norma broke her hip in Tuscon, they were very good and easy to deal with. They covered every expense including an Air Ambulance home for treatment and then returned us to get the motorhome. We had already decided to go with them again if their quote was at all competitive. I was happy to hear that their cost was $3,498 (again, no deductible), $450 cheaper than Johnson and $1,970 cheaper than BCAA! Desjardins also covers flying us home and back if there is an emergency at home (sickness in family, damage to the house). This adds a little security. This is only $50 more than we paid last year and amounts to exactly $20 per day for the two of us. Sold! Expensive if we do not need it but cheap if we do.
The pleasures of getting old! After this marathon I went out and finished the cable addition to the motorhome. Done!
La Marea for ladies lunch and we had fun!
59 minutes ago