Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Norma's Cataract Surgery

Norma had her nervously anticipated cataract surgery today! We are back home and she is issuing orders! It went without a hitch. It was cone at the new hospital in Comox as that is where our eye doctor is. The actual surgery took about twenty minutes and she is now sporting a nice new Bausch & Lomb lens in her left eye. She has to take a month of eye drops but in a week or two she should start seeing the positive effects of the new lens! 

They will then discuss doing the right eye which is not as bad as the left one was.


  1. Glad to hear it came out well!

  2. Glad to here it all went well. Travelling anywhere this winter?

    1. No plans, Norma's recent surgery and my Afib problem will really affect our travel health insurance rates.

  3. Glad to hear it went well. Mom and I drove down to Mesa yesterday to celebrate Favorite Neighbor's 92nd birthday. They have been back down for the first time in a couple of years. She is doing very well down here, and I think they will fly down next time, maybe in the Spring. You know, you two could fly down for awhile as well, renting from the diving lady hotel, or someplace with a real pool.
