including a photo. I copied the photo to ‘Desktop’.
Nope. Error 403. Taking the photo out and trying again
Yup, worked with no photo
Extended our portable solar panel
6 hours ago
This Blog was created to chronicle our travels in Mexico but has since morphed into something else entirely. Our periodic Mexico travels are still in here but if that is why you came here, you will have to dig a little to get to it. Try searching the Blog Archive in the right hand column.
I had to go into google and revoke my onetime password for the account. Redo the account setup in google and then go to blogger OLW options and edit the blog credentials along with your new one time password. They also have fixed a few bugs so there is a newer download available.
ReplyDeletehere is a link to show what needs to be changed in OLW
Hi Croft: I finally managed to post. I had a draft stuck in LiveWriter and by copying it and pasting it into my blogger drafts I managed to move it minus the photos which showed up as blank spots. I then had to past the photos from my picture files into those spots. A huge pain but at least I didn't loose the post. I will figure the rest out later. Right now it's snowing and I'm at Erika's so I'd better head home!