What I am having is a Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), which she described as: "Your eyeball is like a sink, full of fluid which enters by a tap and leaves via a drain. It the tap and drain get out of sync then the eye can overfill and pressure builds up. The drops you have been taking are designed to slow the tap but what I am going to be doing with my laser is opening the drain and if the first process does not open it enough I will do it again. You may or may not continue to require the drops after". She is only doing the left eye even though I have glaucoma in both eyes. It is a "wait and see what happens before we guess about what will happen next. She reminded me that everything is at no cost to me, it is all covered by Canada's medical system.
So now you know as much as I know.

The cataract operation was done on my right eye first. I had high pressure in it the next morning which took a few days to return to normal. So I delayed the left eye for about 5 months. Now the left eye is slowly getting a film build-up, so sometime in the next 5 or 6 months, I'm going to have to have the laser treatment. So much fun!
ReplyDeleteThe joys of aging!
DeleteYeah I still have a bunch of floating crap in my left eye after the surgical repair of my torn retina... sigh