I think we saw Obama take the gloves off tonight! I have been waiting for him to start using the Bully Pulpit to put his ideas directly to the American people and tonight that is what he did! He said he was going to take his message to all corners of the country and speak to the people. Tonight I saw a flash of what I saw when Obama was running for President. A clear vision and the ability to express it.
He drew a few lines in the sand. He would not abide with taking away the rights of the middle class, of the benefits they had fought and paid for. He said he will fight against the removal of collective bargaining rights. This is what Americans need to hear. He has his vision back! The campaign is on!
Extended our portable solar panel
4 hours ago
Agreed. Obama is on a roll again.....and seriously needs to make something happen.
ReplyDeleteI watched a couple of focus groups of about 50 people each who watched the speech. 1/2 Republicans who voted for McCain and 1/2 Democrats who voted for the President. Out of 50 in each group, 3 in one group and 2 in the other still support the President, and were mildly inspired. The rest 47 and 48 think it was more of the same at a higher volume. I'm watching the Saints/Packers game tonight. In the first half the Saints did not have much going for them. Did they come out in the second half and run the same plays that didn't work the first half? No, they changed their game plan. The President only has 4 plays and he keeps running them over and over again with the same results. He is nibbling around the edges of the economy, and nothing he proposed will result in the kind of permanent job creation that is needed. It is all temporary stuff....one year extension on unemployment. 1 year extension of the payroll tax credit. Build a few more bridges and roads, and remodel a few schools. All temporary, short term jobs. He talks about fairness in the tax code. How can it ever be fair when 47% of Americans pay no income tax. Is that fair? The top 10% pay more than the bottom 47% and the other 43% combined. Is that fair? This is not about fair, it is about ideology and damn the consequences.
ReplyDeleteThe 47% that pay no income tax is because they have no income - the poor as defined by the tax code. It is always the "haves" who want to lower the bar (the defined poverty level in the tax code) and make the middle class and the poor pay more. The tax code is skewed toward the wealthy and the corporations. Warren Buffet said it succinctly and the people who say Buffet should voluntarily pay more missed the point, which is that the wealthy enjoy far greater tax breaks than the middle class. And the reason Obama keeps running the same plays over again is because he is up against the obstructionists in the Republican party who are motivated by stopping Obama from succeeding. And the reason his plans are so watered down is because of the Republican ideologues who put partisan politics ahead of the country. The only plan they have come up with is to cut Social Security and Medicare. If Obama came forward with an aggressive plan it wouldn't even make it to the house floor. This is the most dysfunctional Congress ever and compromise is a thing of the past.
Bill in Nebr.
Croft you are a brave soul for getting into the political fray here - but then you have been that way on a number of fronts - good for you.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Obama - It is sad that he seems to only get it right when he is campaigning - he needs to put into play more of what he decries on the campaign trail - bottom line.
John - your comment came just as I was researching your Pueblo Magico of Xico for hotels and nearby RV parks!
ReplyDeleteYes, I have a long history of inserting my nose into where it was not necessarily welcome but that is what has made my life interesting!
I am glad to have "Bill in Nebraska" in my corner!
ReplyDeleteThat must have been a FOX News "focus group" Whatsnewell talks about. Only 5 out of 100 like Obama? That is not the feeling I get traveling in the USA!
ReplyDeleteObama, as a person, is well liked. I think his poll numbers are low because of the far extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. The far right doesn't like his policies (e.g. health care reform) and the far left doesn't think his policies go far enough (e.g. health care reform). What is really unfortunate is how he has tried so hard to compromise and run a course down the middle, only to run up against obstructionists. Unfortunately, the extreme right is controlling the agenda. Not unlike the compromises and concessions that unions were willing to make, but the extreme right went after collective bargaining to eviscerate unions. Yet, we don't go after the big corporations who are taking jobs overseas with the same zeal. And, we continue to make Walmart one of the biggest vendors for China. Obama may not have all the answers, but at least he is trying to bring ideas to the table.
Bill in Nebr.
I'd sure like to see Obama move this wonderful country into the 21st century. I'm afraid he is too much of an educated, liberal gentleman to do so; LBJ was a down and dirty fighter who got JFK's ideas implemented. NO, I don't need another assassination; I'm just saying LBJ did what I doubt JFK could have managed.
ReplyDeleteOh, and btw, have a great trip south when it cools down a bit. We are still over 100F (38C) but are supposed to be cooling down soon.