Trump appears in Houston to supposedly reassure hurricane victims but really is using the occasion to sell his stupid $40 hats that are conveniently available from the Trump/Pence website. He had many other choices, like maybe a Red Cross hat? Like my Blogging friend Margaret of Margaret and Helen's Blog says, "I would pay $45 just to shove it up his ass". And don't get me started on Melania's FM pumps she wore in the storm! You wanted a businessman for President? Well, suck it up. That's exactly what you got. These people are completely out of touch.

ReplyDeleteAs always, the first thing he said was, "what a crowd, what a turnout." For him it is always about "ME." He talked to no victims and stayed away from the flooding. What a dick.
ReplyDeleteSad to see a person in such a high position of power who could theoretically change the world and it's being wasted. Even sadder is the man has destroyed the reputation of a country which many people around the world laugh at now. Worse than ever before.
ReplyDeleteWow! Just WOW. The TDS is STRONG in this one. ;)
ReplyDeleteCroft, if you find a video that shows what shoes Melania is wearing in the photo you have above you would see they were sneakers.
But even that won't matter to rabid Trump haters.
I will give you that one Don. She must have been advised to change her shoes on the aircraft but she was wearing the heels in the rain getting onto the plane. She did however keep her fashion sunglasses on in Houston. "What? Your house is destroyed? Well why don't you move to your Palm Springs house?". You have to admit, they are both out of touch. Why didn't they bring a plane full of baby food or water? No, more important to flog his effing hats.
DeleteCroft, I thought about the baby food, diapers, formula, and water, too. Why didn't, at least, Melania think of that. When the earthquake struck in Haiti, even cruise ships in the Caribbean were making pit stops to drop off food, water, and blankets.
DeleteFrankly, I see so many people and situations (of his own making) closing in on him, and he simply doesn't care. It seems as if he doesn't really want the job or doesn't want to know the details of issues or the content of bills put before Congress. But he loves the media attention, good or bad, and is still in campaign mode. Did he really think he was not going to have to work? The Secret Service's budget is already shot because of his trips to his various properties and his campaign trips. The only thing I can determine regarding tax reform as set forth on the various networks (including Fox) is that there is discussion as to tax relief for the the top 1 percent (those earning over $600,000US a year). This was one of his issues, and he puts forth no details or specifics. Quite frankly, I think he is a lazy man and wants others (including his children) to do all the work for him while he uses up jet fuel jumping from place to place.
It's crazy! And he is still flogging the wall even while they are adding up how many billions it will cost to clean up after Hurricane Harvey. Which do you want Texans? A wall or your house and infrastructure repaired? Lowering taxes on the 1% will just make all of this harder. But then I am preaching to the converted. Why can't the Trumpites see this?
DeleteWOW again. Did Obama load up Air Force One with baby food when he went to the victims of Hurricane Irene? How about Superstorm Sandy? Did he fill it up with diapers and formula then?
DeleteOf course he didn't and for you to suggest Trump should have shows just how over the top your hatred has become.
I like you Croft but I'm seriously concerned about this kind of hatred.
The Trumpites are divided into three groups; One is the fringe group; the group that has always been there and is composed of the private American militias (like the one Timothy McVeigh came from), KKK, and neo-nazis, for example; in the past, this group was somewhat "in the closet;" this group for the most part never voted; but Trump called them out of the closet (no matter how softly he tries to deny it); this group will ALWAYS support Trump no matter what. The second group I will call oligopolies; this is composed of a large group of people making large salaries and primarily business people who with their employees (sometimes termed as the "industrial complex") want relaxation of US laws in which to operate; some of these people participate in businesses where there are few competitors because of barriers to enter the particular business; they want to keep or increase those barriers; if Trump does not provide the legislation they want, this group will migrate to another candidate with PAC money (Trump says he never accepted PAC money, but I'm beginning to believe he got the money from somewhere, probably the Russians, since he doesn't like to spend his own money contrary to what he says.). Therefore, the minds of this group can be changed, for example, the recent resignations of a number of key members of his industrial council after the Charlottesville incident. The third group are people (who also have stopped voting until recently in this election) who have become disenfranchised by the fast moving global economy we have entered and the speed at which the global technology has changed everything; Trump has promised that the industries this group previously worked in like coal mining and the steel industry are going to be revived and they will get their old jobs back; he has said, for example, that he will put high tariffs on imported steel to protect the revived US steel industry; nevermind the fact that natural gas (because of its abundance) has replaced coal in most industries and is cheaper and steel tariffs have been used before which allowed US steel producers to raise prices out of sight; Trump would essentially have to transform the US into an isolationist country (like before World War II) to help this particular group; the only solution is re-education and cross-training of this group and they need to become mobile to apply what they have learned; they do not want to leave those mountains or valleys. I'm sorry but Trump is not their answer, and they will be disappointed. Focus groups of Trump voters (like an Alcohol Anonymous meeting) have already formed discussing the bad situation after the election and what they can constructively do now and in the next election.
DeleteDon, oh yes he did in Air Force One's backup plane! And to be even-handed here, George W. Bush also did this in his backup plane when he finally got around to visiting the Katrina victims.
DeletePS, those two Presidents worked personally and very closely withe Red Cross! All the Red Cross had to do is pick up the phone.
DeleteSo Dee, I just heard Trump is donating $1,000,000 of his own money to the victims. But sure, you still won't give him any credit.
Maybe he got it from the Russians. :P
I think there is another group you left out Dee. It's the people who are tired of politicians running this country and actually want the Washington swamp drained. I think that's by far the largest group that voted for him.
Btw, I didn't vote for him because I'm not a fan of his ideas. I did like him way better than Hillary though but I voted for Gary since I couldn't vote for Trump and keep a good conscious.
Don -- I haven't forgotten to respond to your last comments, but will do so soon.
DeleteBreaking News: Remember what I said at 10:40 a.m. this morning about where I guessed Trump's money for the campaign was coming from. Just saw a news flash on tv regarding Paul Manafort's notes he took in the Trump, Jr. meeting (obtained by the special prosecutor after searching Manafort's residence under a warrant) with the Russians in Trump Tower. The notes were regarding Russian contributions to Trump's campaign and the RNC. You have to at least admit that this man is in deep trouble. I had to at least tell you this before I hit the sack.
As I recall Don, you were pretty tough on Obama. Also, is that million the same million he promised to the veterans? Of course we will never know because we have not seen his tax returns!
DeleteI was tough on Obama when he screwed up, which was a lot. But I gave him props when he did good things.
DeleteDee, I have to admit the left thinks he's in deep trouble. The rest of the country not so much.
DeleteWhen is the left going to realize their rabid frenzy just pisses normal people off? I'm pretty sure it's never....
Using a natural disaster to once again brag about crowd size and to flog a hat could be described as "screwing up".
DeleteWhat is truly "screwing up" (other than pledging your loyalty to Russia) is to continue to rant about the wall when the country you are trying to wall off is providing all sorts of aid to the Texas victims of Harvey and in the recent past provided an abundance of physical help and aid to the New Orleans' victims.
DeleteDon, I would like your definition of normal people, when you say "pisses normal people off?".
DeleteAlso, "the rest of the country" does NOT think he is in deep trouble! The "rest of the country" are intelligent people -- they see what's going down.
DeleteDon said, " I just heard Trump is donating $1,000,000 of his own money to the victims" Well, maybe not. It just might be money from the Trump Foundation which Trump has not donated to himself since 2008
What an asshat!
So embarrassing to call him the President of the USA.
ReplyDeleteDon, "Trump donation to Harvey victims." I do believe Trump will write that check; the world is watching. The question will be when. Based on historical evidence regarding the fundraiser/campaign rally for veterans in Iowa where 5.6 million dollars were raised, the money was funneled through and deposited in the Donald J. Trump Foundation. It took four months before he started distributing that money in dribbles to the various charities. As you probably know, private foundations have to be audited and the details of that audit are made available to the public. So the reliability and credibility of the above information are solid. During that four-month period of deposit in the foundation account, 5.6 million dollars just doesn't sit there. You got it! It was invested. (I knew you were a smart fella!) It was not until the end of the four-month period and many questions from the news media as to when and where the donations had been distributed did he write his personal check for the veterans and at the same time start making distribution of the donations. Can you image how much profit the foundation made while 5.6 million dollars were being churned in that account?
ReplyDelete"Maybe he got it from the Russians." (Wink! Wink!) Neither you nor I can still say for sure, but after Manafort's notes surfacing last night, could be! (Remember, he doesn't give something of his own without getting something in return.).
By the way, you keep talking about hate; hate blinds people to facts and an objective assessment of a person's character. I don't hate; I just don't want a damn Russian in the White House!
"Washington swamp drained." The 2018 midterm elections are coming up; we will see how that goes, but I do want to keep my good buddies Lindsey Graham and John McCain (Senator McCain is not up for re-election, thank goodness, but he is making a stand against Trump for normalcy while he is fighting cancer.) I have no problem generally with replacement of Congress with experienced business people as long as they have some scruples, a decent value system, and are level headed.
Like Dee said. Trump spokesman Sarah Huckabee was set back this morning by a question about the source of the money and could/would not answer.
DeleteGraham and McCain are 2 of the biggest RINOs in congress. Of course you like them, they are essentially Democrats.
ReplyDeleteI've said all I really need to about people making a huge thing about Melania yet never said one word about Michelle. How many vacations did she take on the public dime? Plenty is a good answer.
You're a funny guy Don! The Trump family and their gallivanting all over the world has depleted the Secret Service budget! And Trump has outnumbered Obama in golf games played on company time many times over and it is just the start of his first term. Like I say, funny guy Don!
DeleteDon, if you want a serious conversation about government, let's stretch the brain some, but stretch the brain using optimism. First, let's both tell each other the basic and fundamental things we have experienced and enjoyed over our lifetime; then we will try to assign a president, US senator, or government representative who may have made that fundamental thing possible. Remember, some of these people also have done some less than desirable things, but here we are sticking to the things we personally enjoy today because of these people. No problem with looking up the names. For example, if you enjoy the national parks during your life, you would put the name Theodore Roosevelt. The purpose of this exercise is to look beyond political parties and to the individual in government who made it possible for you to have your particular enjoyment. .
DeleteTsk, tsk! Actually, Melania sensibly changed her DC heels to tennis shoes on the flight down. She did not wear heels "into the storm." Red Cross? Really? That organization, which has long caught criticism for its execs paying themselves scandalously high salaries (and other sins) caught even more flak for checking its employees into high-end hotels in Houston while they were there "helping people" I believe it was the mayor of Houston who said the Red Cross was extremely poorly organized and recommended that people not give them a dime. The Salvation Army is a far superior organization. Gotta keep up to date, señor Croft.
ReplyDeleteAs I recall it was the Salvation Army that was making kids prove their American citizenship before they could get a Santa Gift a few years ago. Not many charities have completely clean noses.
DeleteLordy, where in the world did you read that? Mother Jones? I'd have to see it right from the horse's mouth to believe the Salvation Army did that. Don't believe it. I do believe you believe it, however. Did not happen.
Delete"Alanis acknowledged that families cannot register for the Angel Tree program, which allows children to request specific gifts, unless one member of the family can present a Social Security number." Social Security number = citizenship
On the issue of the Red Cross renting rooms at the Houston Four Seasons, the RC and the hotel both say the rooms were offered at a discount and the hotel was walking distance to the RC operations center so it made sense.
Delete"... Mayor of Houston who said the Red Cross was extremely poorly organized ..." LOL! OK, let me get up off the floor and catch my breath from laughing! If you know anything about what did not happen and should have happened in Houston before Harvey hit, you will know why I am laughing so hard. My goodness, talking about the pot calling the kettle black!!