I am getting my cataract surgery done on July 28. My friend Kelly is coming up from Nanaimo to spend three days here since I can't drive on the 28th or 29th and need a ride to and from Comox Hospital. I also can't bend over or carry anything at all heavy. "If you drop something, leave it on the floor!" says my doctor. I am always so grateful for everything she does for me! I will Have to name the guest room, "Kelly's Room"!
Igor is getting some new solar panels!
2 hours ago
Good luck on your surgery and please listen to your doctor..I know someone who did not.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I am going to print out all the recovery instructions and make every attempt to follow them.
DeleteI've been dealing with the "foggy vision" in my right eye since last December, and with the Covid-19 restrictions, my eye Dr. had his office closed until last Monday. I was lucky and got an appointment pronto and he scheduled me for the Cataract removal on July 29th. Good luck to you for a successful outcome and I'll be thinking of you when I go through my surgery.
ReplyDeleteAnd good luck to you as well! From all reports it is a "piece of cake". I was amazed by how many of my friends and relatives have had it done that I never knew about!
DeleteGood luck with your surgery. You will appreciate the end result. As for not lifting anything heavier then Ten Pounds is hard to do because it's something we've always done. A Small Bag of Groceries weighs more then that.
ReplyDeleteBe Safe and Enjoy the improved vision.
It's about time.
The bending over and lifting parts are going to be the hardest rules to follow but I am determined to do it. Having help here in the house for a couple of days is going to make things a lot easier.
DeleteI envy you, I'm still waiting. I was told it would take a year and a half and that was last fall. Now since this virus thing, god knows how long I have to wait. They called me the other day and seem to have no idea how long it will be. I'm thinking of finding a new optometrist.
ReplyDeleteElaine in Salt Air, BC
They say there is no real harm in waiting but when it gets to the point, like it did with me, that you can actually see your eyesight changing, it is time to take some action. I sometimes get a headache from trying to see and was recently told I should get new glasses. Well not before I get the surdery thank you very much! There should be many for you to choose from in your area, even if you had to go to Duncan or Nanaimo.
DeleteThe one doing the surgery is in Duncan.
Hi Croft, Just a note to finally say Hello and wish you well on your surgery! I have been reading your blog faithfully for 8 to 10 years, maybe more. Always enjoy it, and we have many points of commonality. Found you way back when Rae was still travelling in Miranda. My life partner Nancy has had cataract surgery, life is so much better for her since. All our best to you.
ReplyDeleteHi Croft! Just a note and first comment in about ten years of faithful reading, always enjoy your blog. Just wanted to wish you well on your upcoming surgery! My life partner Nancy had cataract surgery and since things are so much better for her. Found you through mutual friend Rae way back in her Miranda days. All the best to you!