The weather has been very dismal here in Campbell River since we arrived home in April. We really lucked out and had two sunny days in a row for our outside party but other than that, it has rained. And rained. And rained.
I have a couple of projects waiting for good weather, one of which is to wash and wax the motorhome but I have no idea when I will get a long enough break in the weather to do it. I also bought a small Stanley pressure washer to wash the various patios, walkways and driveway but it is still in the box. Like I say, the weather is depressing. Where is the sun?
Norma's "Lawn Boy" was over yesterday and between sprinkles he cut a couple of feet off the top of the hedge beside the motorhome's parking spot. He also reduced it's thickness enough that I can move the motorhome over a foot or so to free up parking space for the other vehicles. She had him scheduled to come back today to help her weed her flower gardens but we awoke to the sound of rain again.
Brooks and Linda's fencing business is doing well. They do not mind working in the rain and are getting lots of work right now. They also managed to rent out their basement suite which helps with the mortgage payment (and the "Bank of Dad" payment).
Our granddaughter Sierrah hit her second grand slam home run of the season on the weekend so she is basking in the glory right now. Her older sister Jayde, a pitcher, has a couple of no hitters so far this year so both of them might be headed for the majors! We are very proud of both of them, and not just for the baseball. They are great kids! They live in Victoria and we do not see near enough of them but they have their busy lives to lead. Jayde has promised to bring her boyfriend up to meet us sometime this summer. A boyfriend! Man they grow up fast!
Well back to doing nothing! Brooks called the other day to ask if we will come down and help them tile the entryway in their house. We have a tile saw and all the tools so that will be a fun project. We owe them a lot of work after they helped install the bamboo flooring in our house two years ago.
Finally on the West Coast
3 hours ago
Surprisingly, it has been beautiful here in the Ottawa valley since we arrived May 13. Only about two days of rain in that period, so the mosquito count is way down as well. Hope the sun shines soon for you.
They don't call it the "Wet Coast" for nothing!
ReplyDeleteTrading labor with friends has to be what started humans down the road to where we are today. Expand the cave, help your bud with his fish trap; two can do the work in one day that it would take one to do in three and so society started.
ReplyDeleteI have a tile job here in Xico - wish you were closer. I could add to your fun quotient.
ReplyDeleteSoggy is the word as is depressing. Most people here in Kelowna are running their furnaces instead of the A/C units which is the norm. I hate it!! October is fast approaching thanks goodness.
ReplyDeleteTiling - makes my knees sore just hearing the word! Good luck with that.