Dr. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have A Dream” speech in Washington, DC. Have we come far enough since then? Or have we simply transferred our fears and hatred to other members of society?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Simple Job, Right?
I looked on line for a solution and discovered London Drugs had a StarChoice (Shaw Direct) Digital Video Recorder / receiver on sale for $269. This would solve the recording problem and also let me move the old receiver into the motorhome. Two birds with one stone.
I rushed downtown to buy the last receiver they had in stock and started setting it up. I quickly realized that it required two lines from the antenna as it was actually two receivers in one (one for watching and one for the recorder). The problem is, I only had one line run in to that spot and all four outputs from the antenna were used up! I found some cable, climbed up on the roof and unhooked the cable that went to the receiver that serves my office. I used that output, ran the cable down the wall and drilled a hole through the wall. I fished the cable through only to find it to be two feet short. I found another ten foot cable and connected it to the end and into the receiver. Then I found some caulking and sealed up the hole in the wall where the cable came in. It was now 9:00pm and I had started at about 5:00. I got a signal on the TV and called StarChoice to authorize the receiver. That took an hour and by the time everything was cleaned up and working it was almost 11:00. Now I just have to come up with a way to get TV back into my office. I have a spare antenna that I could install on the roof. or I can buy a "splitter" for $100. There is no end to it!
And some people wonder what retired folks do with all our time!
This is where we are going this weekend in the motorhome. Caycuse is actually just across the lake from the pushpin. We have to travel about 20 miles of gravel to get there.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
My week On The Market
I am with the optimistic people here and think the worldwide recession has bottomed out. I am expecting low but steady gains from now on. Life is good!
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Deer Just Keep On Coming
I got some advice in a comment on the Blog from "Gringo Star" in Oregon that the only thing that ever worked for him was the "Scarecrow", a motion activated water sprayer. These things are made in Victoria, BC and cost $99 when ordered direct from the manufacturer. I ordered mine on eBay, brand new, from a dealer in Mesa, AZ for $47 including shipping. Go figure!
I wish I could just write the damn deer a cheque for $100 each if they would find somewhere else to brunch!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Moving Slowly
Monday, August 16, 2010
Too Tired To Swallow!
With me, everything hurts, even my teeth! I have bamboo slivers in my hands and I don't know if I am allergic or what but they are all festered and I can't make a fist. I now know what it is like to have bamboo shoved under your fingernails! I am trying to carve them out with my tiny Swiss Army Knife. I am in my recliner in front of the big screen and I am not moving! It even hurts to breath..
On Friday I had 50 boxes of flooring, a table saw and a radial arm saw, both with razor sharp blades. Sunday night we had 10 boxes of flooring (for closets and computer room), a radial arm saw that no longer has a functioning trigger and two very dull blades. We ended up not using as much flooring as we were advised to buy because, thanks to Brooks' precise measuring and Linda's genius with the saws, we had nowhere near the 10% waste expected. In fact our waste was probably under 1%. That means we will probably end up taking five boxes (about $300 worth) back to Home Depot! It will pay for the Extra Strength Tylenol I will be needing to recover.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Some Photos
Living room before and after:
Breakfast nook before and after:
Thanks for the photos Linda! I will take more soon and post them.
Work Day
We got the master bedroom, living room, hall and 75% of the guest room done Saturday. Today we will finish the guest room and closet and do the kitchen. This will leave my office which is a nightmare. It is a small room with two computer desks and all the cables to deal with. The desks will not come out of the room without a lot of work so we will have to take all the equipment out and then stack everything we can in one corner, lay all the floor we can and then move the pile to finish. We may not get this done today as Brooks and Linda have to be back in Victoria to start a new job in the morning.
They are very hard workers and Brooks has now officially paid me back for all the times in his youth that he "borrowed" my car and emptied my liquor cabinet! I will never bring it up again!
Have to go, I smell coffee. There will be photos.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Watch It Deer!

The Wireless Deer Fence arrived today. We ordered six posts (3 per pack) and I inserted batteries and scent pellets. The scent lasts a month and the batteries a year. There is a strong, pleasant odor and when the deer stick their noses onto the top for a sniff, they get a capacitor discharge shock of 500 volts (but very small amperage so it will not hurt them). After a couple of times, they associate that odor and location with the shock and stay far away.
In the FAQ part of the website, someone asks about harm to hummingbirds and the answer was that hummingbirds are not attracted to the smell and even if they were, their beaks are too small to span two wires so they cannot get a shock.
We will watch carefully for a couple of days to see how they work.
The flooring got delivered today and Brooks and Linda are coming up this weekend to help install it. It will be a busy weekend and I will have to stock up on my extra strength Tylenol!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I Hate Going Downtown!
It is being delivered on Thursday. Brooks.... Linda...... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Good Week
Still Battling The Deer

We have ordered a product from the States called a Wireless Deer Fence. It consists of posts that you put in the ground and load with scent capsules and batteries. When a deer is attracted by the scent and takes a sniff he is jolted by a capacitor discharge shock. This is supposed to make him avoid the area where he was shocked. The scent and batteries are supposed to last a whole year.
Six posts and two years worth of scent cost $130. I think our deer are smarter than Indiana deer and will simply avoid smelling the posts after they get their first shock. I am not very optimistic!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
More photos
Here are some more photos of the little house on the prairies. It was such a tiny house but I never noticed.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Mom's Birthday Today
This is mom, dad and me in Edmonton in about 1949. Dad built that house 9 or 10 years earlier all by himself without borrowing a nickel. He bought material as he went and slowly it went up, all 600 (24X25) square feet of it. They moved in with plywood floors and tar-paper and batten board exterior. Siding, hardwood and carpet were luxuries that could wait for a year or so and be paid for with saved rent money.
We drove by the house last year and it is obviously a rental and in terrible repair but still standing. They sold it in 1955 for about $5000.
And yes, not necessary to comment. I WAS a cute kid!
To us, this was a palace! My sister's room was in the attic, my brother's in the basement and mine on the main floor where they could keep an eye on me. My sister had to climb a ladder in my closet to get to her room. She is 18 years older than me and didn't stick around very long.
The colorized photo is the finished product in about 1950. I cannot remember anything about the antenna on the roof! We had no TV (even after it came out in Edmonton) so it must have been radio. I am drawing a blank.
Dad eventually built a two story garage out back that was larger than the house.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Bugs Are Winning
Yesterday I admitted defeat and called the local glass company to come and measure for new screens. We are getting six custom made screens for $230. I don't know if that is a good price or not but I did not argue. A few nights rest without the buzzing in my ear will make it money well spent. They will be installing them in a week. It's only money!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A Little Afterthought

They ended up with two "experts" who under blistering cross examination actually agreed with the plaintiffs on many key points. The right has nothing left but pleas for prayer, cash and more attempts at mass hysteria but that will have no effect before the US Supreme Court. The fact that Prop 8 was based solely on hate will come out once again. Times are changing!
There can be no compromise. "Almost good enough" will not do. "Separate, but equal" civil unions are not acceptable. Nothing short of full equality can be accepted. The difference may be slight when times are good but the deficits come to light when a partner is blocked at the elevator door when trying to visit in a hospital as "family". Inheritance could be an issue if there is no will. The worst happens when one partner is not allowed to make end of life decisions for the other partner. That thought is terrifying! No, nothing but FULL equality. That is why they are called "rights". There is no room for negotiation!
And, in a nice show of oneupmanship and hopefully a sign of what the USA can expect from it's own Supreme Court,
(AP) –
MEXICO CITY — The Mexican Supreme Court has voted to uphold the constitutionality of Mexico City's 6-month-old law allowing same-sex marriages.
The justices have voted 8-2 to uphold the law against challenges filed by federal prosecutors, who argued it violates the constitutional principle of protection of the family.
Hundreds of couples have been married so far under the law, the first of its kind to be enacted in Latin America.
The court ruled Thursday that the law did not violate the constitution. Justices on the majority side argued that nowhere does the constitution define what a family is.
Prop Hate

It will end up before the US Supreme Court no matter what the decision but it will be a lot easier going before the Court with a win!
BREAKING NEWS!!!!! IT HAS BEEN OVERTURNED!!!!!!!!!!! Prop Hate is unconstitutional and the enforcement of it is enjoined!!!!
Sorry haters, there is equal protection. You will not be able to vote to return slavery either. Tough. Suck it up and live with it! Civil and human rights are guaranteed and are not up for a vote! Opposite sex couples ARE NOT superior to same sex couples!
The Important Part:
Plaintiffs have demonstrated by overwhelming evidence that Proposition 8 violates their due process and equal protection rights and that they will continue to suffer these constitutional violations until state officials cease enforcement of Proposition 8. California is able to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, as it has already issued 18,000 marriage licenses to same-sex couples and has not suffered any demonstrated harm as a result,see FF 64-66; moreover, California officials have chosen not to defend Proposition 8 in these proceedings.
Because Proposition 8 is unconstitutional under both the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses, the court orders entry of judgment permanently enjoining its enforcement; prohibiting the official defendants from applying or enforcing Proposition 8 and directing the official defendants that all persons under their control or supervision shall not apply or enforce Proposition 8. The clerk is DIRECTED to enter judgment without bond in favor of plaintiffs and plaintiff-intervenors and against defendants and defendant-intervenors pursuant to FRCP 58.

* I have the full 138 page decision in .pdf format. If anyone wants it, let me know.
Cindi Lauper Quote:
Predictably, the right have their noses out of joint and are starting the off the wall comments like "This decision will force gay marriage on all Americans". Now THAT would be interesting!
If you want to show your support for equal rights, these shirts are available from Karel.
What a way to welcome the 100,000'th visitor to this Blog (check the Sitemeter at the right side)!
Number 100,000 just hit and they are from Richmond, BC and connected through Shaw Cable! If you are still on here, say "Hi" in the comments or Shoutbox!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sometimes I Embarrass Myself
Yesterday I tried to use the drill to drill some tiny holes in metal and the first bit broke instantly. I put another bit in and watched it as I squeezed the trigger. The bit wiggled from side to side as it spun. Something was out of alignment, probably from drilling the holes in the concrete wall. After trying a new bit to be sure I threw the drill into the garbage can and looked in the local sales fliers for a new drill. Canadian Tire had a huge tool sale on which got me thinking... The old drill is a C.T. brand so why not take it down to see if there is a guarantee on it? I pulled it out of the garbage can and drove downtown. The young woman looked up the model number and told me it was discontinued several years ago. No problem, I said, just toss it out for me. No, just a minute, she said and typed something into her computer. She told me they would give me a discount of $60 on any new drill! As luck would have it they had a 1/2" hammer drill kit marked down from $110 to $55! I got the new drill (which came with a case and about a hundred bits and screwdriver tips) plus $5 cash back for the broken drill!
These tools are not the best quality but if they honor their guarantees like that, who cares? Like I say, sometimes I embarrass myself but I love Canadian Tire.
GPS Woes
I fired off an email to Garmin and then went whining away on the Garmin Users Forum. On the forum I was told that the memory in my unit was not large enough to hold the new maps file so they eliminated Mexico to make it fit. Another person told me that if I hooked the unit up to the computer I could eliminate all the languages and voices I will never use and that will leave enough room for the Mexico maps. I will do this and then phone Support to plead with them to send me another download. If this does not work, I have two weeks to return the unit to London Drugs with no questions asked. I really want the Mexico maps.
Life is complicated.