Friday, October 19, 2012

Post Debate

Well, it was fun to watch the second debate, this one attended by the President. He held his own and according to most polls, actually won. It was fun watching Romney paint himself into the corner over the Libya attacks and Obama's statements the next day. Jon Stewart nailed it when he said, "When you are about to jump up and yell "checkmate" and your opponent sits back and says "Proceed, Governor" you might want to think back to Wiley Coyote and the Roadrunner and think, "Is that doorway ahead of me just a doorway painted on a rock?" Well, it was and Wiley Romney ran head first into it. Smack!

Like I say, the majority of polls are showing the Presidents lead increasing again. I can't wait to get back to the USA to watch first hand. We might even be there for Election Night!


  1. I thought it was funny that you didn't make any comments after the first debate. :-)

    1. There wasn't much to say. Only one of the contestants was awake. Even so, he didn't lose by much!

    2. He lost by a ton. He lost enough to turn the tide and put Romney in the lead.

  2. Any momentum Romney had after the first debate was stopped cold by Obama's powerful win in debate 2. Romney peaked too soon and it's all downhill for him now.

    The words Romney will always regret are the ones he penned for his New York Times op-ed..."Let Detroit Go Bankrupt". That absolutely destroyed him in Ohio and Michigan. Without Ohio, which he's losing badly, Romney can't win.

    1. And that 47% of the population doesn't matter.

  3. Hadn't seen the cartoon; it's great!

    Honestly I don't mind some of the ideas Romney has but his party is pushing to the right. Plus, I just don't like the guy. Funny how that seems important! The Pres is a dry stick but he's not an ass.

  4. Actually Crowley finally admitted she was wrong.

    But more to the point, what the heck is any moderator doing taking sides and interjecting? That was just plain wrong.
