Well, I decided to update the software on the iPod. It is a 4th generation iPod Touch with 8GB of memory. Brooks had a bunch of photos in it as well as a lengthy movie that was taking up a bit of that space. I deleted them and let iTunes start the update. I went outside to do some chores and when I came back the screen told me the update had failed! I was looking at a black screen!
I unhooked the device and re-started it. It opened and said it had found my WIFI. I said OK and then it asked if I wanted to set the unit up as a new iPod. I did that and it is now running OS 6, the latest version. Great, just what I wanted. I entered all my information, gave it my credit card number and it worked! All Brooks' custom apps were gone but I quickly learned how to get my own. I got my Credit Union app and I can access my accounts. My credit card company has an app which I got but can't make work. I will call them for a talk-through. I got Slacker, RV Parks, currency converter and a few more. They were all free except the Priceline app which was a whole 99 cents. It was a good way to test my credit card on the iPod. It works.
I bought a Philips docking station so I can get good sound and discovered Philips has an app that works when the iPod is docked. It gives me dozens (hundreds?) of radio stations and an alarm clock. There may be more stuff I have not found yet. I can also plug the laptop into the dock so I can listen to all the music I have on the computer. The only downside is the iPod only works with WIFI. I have a Cradlepoint to produce my own WIFI zone from a broadband Internet stick but, 1) I don't know how much bandwidth this radio streaming uses and, 2) my Mexican Telcel stick is not compatible with the Cradlepoint so I never had my own WIFI in Mexico. The stick works in the computer but not in the Cradlepoint. Telcel has a new stick out so I will have to see if the new one is compatible. If so, I will upgrade.
How did I ever live without this device? Life is Good!
Igor is getting some new solar panels!
2 hours ago
I seems as though you are now set to roll south with the new (to you) iPod all set up. We use our iPods a lot. I have them wired to the vehicles and the motorcycle too. With about 3,000 songs (9 + gigs of memory worth), it's a great source for radio and music, anytime and any place.
ReplyDeleteYou are way too high tech for us poor folk.
ReplyDeleteCroft, just watch for what bandwidth these devices use, I understand that they can eat up your bandwidth pretty quickly. You may want to selectively turn on and off the device to conserve!