We pulled into The Front End Shop in Parker at about a quarter to ten. They told me to pull the car into the compound and they would get busy. He also told us they close at noon on Saturdays, a minor detail they forgot to mention when I called. "Don't worry", he said, "we stay here until the job is finished". Great news! While testing the A/C he noticed the oil leak from the valve cover gasket and offered to change that as well. Nice. The A/C in the '89 Honda was the old type so a "refit" had to be done to install the proper connections to recharge the system. They started on these jobs while we went for breakfast in the motorhome.
Driving through town we noticed an Air Cadet car wash in the Pizza Hut parking hut. On a whim we asked if they could do the motorhome and told them we had long brushes. "No problem" they said. I asked how much and he said whatever we wanted to donate. They were a little disorganized as young kids will be, but ended up doing a pretty good job. They washed and dried the whole rig and went back over a couple of spots that Norma pointed out that they missed. I gave them $50 and they were very happy.
After breakfast we went back to the front End Shop and they were almost done. At around 1:00 PM we had paid the $180 charge and were on our way to Yuma. Two hours later we were paying for one week at Cocopah RV and Golf Resort. I set up the StarChoice while Norma walked around socializing. Our neighbours from Washington State came over for Happy Hour and then we went in. It gets very dark very quickly here in the desert. Our friends Muff and Val are here but were on their way out for dinner. We shall see them tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the BC Lions semi final football game.
If you are passing near Parker, AZ and need air conditioning work done, I highly recomend The Front End Shop. They have mechanics and will do any other work as well. The owners are from Zacatacas, Mexico. They are very nice guys and you will get a square deal from them.
Biking Tucson
5 hours ago
A very good day indeed my friend!