Saturday, April 25, 2015

Port Angeles, WA

We are safe and sound in Port Angeles, Washington. We have a reservation on the 2:00 PM ferry to Victoria tomorrow.

We got our last fill-up of cheap gas ($2.68/gal), our last top up of the propane tank ($1.99/gal) and our last dump ($5 at a State Park). Norma is over looking to get a haircut and I am getting ready to watch the Canucks play Game Six!

We still have to make a list of what we bought for Customs tomorrow. We are well under our $1,600 limit so it should be smooth sailing.


  1. Wishing you a good sleep, a great crossing and the best ever customs inspection ever.

  2. Smooth crossing for you mañana! And hopefully we'll dump some Vancouver rain on them flamers tonight.

  3. We enjoyed our trip over and back on the ferry. Good memories. Thanks again.

  4. Good thing we knocked off some of that booze when you were in Arizona so you don't have to declare it.

  5. I understand GOLF is a good game...GO FLAMES!!!!! les

  6. Hopefully a smooth, hassle free border crossing. for you.

  7. Our re-entry to Canada was quicker than ever this year - 10 minutes at the most. And only 4 or 5 questions. Eazy peazy. So I'll be sending good border karma your way for Sunday.
    Off-topic, but you must have mucho blog readers; tons of folks get to my site from yours every day. Maybe I should start paying you royalties... At the very least, I'll stop giving the deer directions to your yummy garden.

    1. We will appreciate that karma. Norma thanks you for keeping your deer in Kelowna!
