Saturday, January 4, 2014


Enterprise Auto Rentals picked up at around one and drove us down to pick up the rental, a new Ford Escape SUV. We will have it for three or four days while the Honda dealer orders and installs the new ignition switch. We stopped for lunch and carried on for our first look at downtown Mobile. It is a beautiful city with oak tree lined streets and friendly people. There is a big college football game in town tomorrow (The GoDaddy Bowl) so there are thousands of visitors in town. We will be back in town but here is a sample:

Good deal on a suit! Not bad looking suits either.
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  1. The Oakleigh House is worth a visit as it gives a lot of the history of Mobile. It's on the National Register of Historic Places. The area around there is beautiful, big houses with mature trees, and merits a walkabout.

  2. Driving in style now! Gotta love the last photo. Guess you are not in need of a suit Croft.

    1. You are right there Teresa! That is one thing I will never need again! Not a bad deal though, all you need is your own underwear!

  3. Rule #1 of retirement is no more suits, especially torturous ties - good deal or not.

    1. I couldn't agree more. However one wedding we went to a couple of years ago stated on the invitation, "Gentlemen WILL wear ties!"

  4. The rental sounds like a nice ride, enjoy it while you have it.

  5. Welcome aboard! Yes, this cool weather makes us want to follow the Wood Clan down to Mexico. Sorry about the previous comment not making it, I checked my spam filter and it is not there. Sometimes Blogger does this.

  6. I'm looking for a clothing deal like that for our daughter's upcoming wedding!

    1. Come On Down, Rick! They did have regular suits on display but one they did have would look really good on you. It was a fire engine red suit with neon green shoes. Very Miami Vice and would make you a standout at the wedding!
