We are finally moving on tomorrow! It has been fun here in Mazatlan and we have enjoyed all the company from Canada but it is time for the Adventure to continue!
All the furniture is crammed into the storage compartments, windows are washed and Good-Bye's have been said. We will load up the car on the trailer and leave in the morning. We will head South to Tepec where we will stay the night, maybe boondocking behind a Pemex station with all the highway trucks. The next day we will check into an RV Park near Guadalajara for a week. We will take the "Libre" or toll-free road as far as Tepec as we hear this section of it is in good repair and it will be nice to avoid the toll stations along the way. We have already paid over a hundred dollars in road tolls in Mexico and the section of Highway 15 from Mazatlan to Guadalajara would be another hundred or so. Taking the "Libre" where we can will save half of this. I do not really mind paying the tolls as we are paying no other taxes in Mexico and they do keep the highways in good repair.
Guadalajara is the second largest city in Mexico with a population of over four million. It was founded in 1531 and contains many historic buildings. The park we are staying in is close to the city and on the bus route to downtown. I will not be taking the car downtown because I will probably never find parking and even if I do find a place to park, I will never find the car again after wandering around all day! They say the memory is the first thing to go, thank Goodness! Stay tuned...
We woke up in the clouds
1 hour ago