Monday, December 19, 2011

Plaza de Armas, Queretaro

Yesterday we took a $35 peso taxi ride to the centro. It was good we did not try to drive because it is very congested and confusing in the historical center of town. Taxis are the way to go in Mexican towns. They are generally very cheap but research must be done beforehand. In this case I asked the hotel desk how much they should charge and was told “no more than $40 pesos”. The actual charge was less but I added a $5 peso tip. We were dropped off right at the popular Plaza de Armas and spent the day enjoying the sights, smells, food, coffee and most important, the people!


We walked for an hour or two and then stopped in a streetside restaurant for a brunch of crepes. It was very good and just enough to keep us going. Later in the day we passed Maria y Su Bici “Maria And Her Bicycle”, an interesting looking restaurant specializing in Oaxaquena cuisine. Not being ready for dinner, we opted for a margarita. It was unlike anything we have ever seen! It was blue colored and served in a pottery bowl. It was made with mescal and was served with an extra shot of mescal on the side. The very personable maître de came to explain the process to us. We were to make a “wish” or “prayer” while he picked up the shot glass and repeated a chant while touching four sides of the bowl. He then asked us to tip our heads back while he poured the shot of mescal into our mouth. Lots of fun! He invited us back on the 24th when they will be serving a traditional Oaxacan Christmas dinner.



  1. Wow! Looks like you guys hit the jackpot. Love the pic of the kid walking with the basket.

    Have fun!

  2. This post has convinced me that I really want to winter in Mexico some day.

    The photos of the booze in the pottery bowl and you drinking remind me of the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade...

  3. Wow!! I bet that traditional Mexican Christmas dinner will be tasty!!!
