Leaving Cuernavaca was a little difficult. Humberto and his wife have treated us almost like family these past five weeks and Humberto helped so much in finding an excellent painter and mechanic for us, Solomon and his wife also came over to see us off. He is Mexican and she an Israeli. They live in Mexico City and have a son working at the University of Victoria. They are very nice people.
We headed out at about 11:00 and stuck to the Cuota's which cost us about $50 total. It is a good road all the way. It was a four hour drive with a half hour stop for gas and lunch.
We tried to start the generator to heat coffee but it would not start! No click, no cranking, nothing! A project for tomorrow!
We drove into the park and before we even parked, the woman came over from the office to collect. We told her we were staying for a week and would pay her after we set up. I wanted to make sure we had water and power before I paid. She came back twice more to ask for money. Norma walked over to the office to pay but she had gone for someone who spoke English to check us in. Not necessary, we can check in in Spanish. Anyway, it was 1540 pesos ($125) for a week.
Norma was anxious to get the StarChoice (Shaw) set up and we had a little trouble with it this time. It took us a good half hour but we now have a good signal.
It is Carnaval week in Cholula (hopefully the end of the week and not the start) and the fireworks have been going non stop since we arrived. There is no waiting until nighttime here in Mexico. Fireworks start early in the morning and never stop.
So much to see in Mexico City
15 hours ago
It never ceases to make me smile that you fire up the genset to make coffee. :) French press and thermos is the way I do it. I know you guys use the microwave and watch TV too when the genny is running. I forget I have a microwave after a few days on the road. To each their own. It's nice that modern RVs give us so many options.
ReplyDeleteThe microwave is used pretty much just for warming up coffee and heating instant dinners and leftovers. The TV's are both on inverters and can run for several hours on the batteries.
DeleteAnd two thoughts on your genny: 1) your fuel tank was too low for it to start or 2) your batteries were too low and you would have need to try with the engine running.
ReplyDeleteThose things occurred to me as well so I filled the tank and tries again - no go, and I tried it with the truck running but there is not even a "click" let alone cranking. There is a solenoid attached to the genset that may be for the starter. I will have to see if there is 12 V on one side and if anything happens when I push the start button. Basically all the things you did.
DeleteThere is a Cummons - Onan dealer in Puebla, so if all else fails...
It is COLD here in the mornings! It is 50 out there right now and my min/max thermometer says it went down to 48 overnight.
I may have to tap into your support group of experts if all else fails.
Can't wait to see what there is to see in Puebla. Going to hike the pyramid?
ReplyDeleteStrange - usually you have to go find someone to pay.......
We don't use our microwave much, just pull out our old coffee perk, to make and even heat coffee. Other than that our inverter and solar panel take care of everything.
ReplyDeleteGood luck getting the genny going.