This is a typical Cuban kitchen. Houses are generally pretty old and appliances are expensive and not easy to come by. There is currently a plumbing problem with the sink and Roly thinks the drain pipe is broken under the concrete slab, causing the sink to drain very slowly. It is a big job to repair it with a sledge hammer so for now the kitchen tap is only used for filling pots and an outside sink is used for dish washing. The house, a tiny one bedroom that Cristy inherited the use of from her parents and shares with her uncle who fought with Castro's Revolutionary forces, is very clean. Cristy's bed is in the kitchen and the dining table is in the tiny room behind the stove and beyond that is her uncle's bedroom. Roly is going to make a modification to allow Cristy to use that room as a bedroom. Her uncle will then access the kitchen (and bathroom) by an enclosed outside passageway where the barbecue is now. There is a small back yard that will become the BBQ area. The house is very small but efficient and they made us feel very welcome!

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