We are at Isla Aguada, parked at Freedom Shores RV Park. Things have changed here a bit since last year. Bill, the handicapped American owner and pleasant host is in the hospital in the USA being treated for bed sores from sitting in his wheelchair for extended hours in the heat down here. He has been in the hospital for nine months and his wife, who is running the park here says she hopes he will be back in November when it cools down a bit. He can no longer handle the hot summers here. We hope he will be alright.
There are four rigs in the RV park, two from Canada and two from the USA and one American in the hotel. It is very quiet. The place is set up for handicapped travelers but none of the present guests are handicapped.
There is no WIFI. Bill had two of them on site last year but rarely was more than one working at a time and he was constantly battling with his providers. He also had a Hughes DataStorm system on his motorhome which we all used until he got FAP'd for too much use of the system. I guess it was just too much bother for his wife and she has given up on it.
There are too many trees for me to get StarChoice reception. I tried it in a few places yesterday but branches are always in the way. I may give it one more try today but we are leaving tomorrow anyway so t is hardly worth it and I have a book to read. Speaking of books, I have read about twenty so far this winter. Somewhat of a record for me!
We had dinner in the park restaurant last night and they have the same cook as last year. He is very good and the meal was excellent.
Today we are taking a drive to the nearby town for a few things and will try to find a payphone to call our son and my sister.
Telcel seems to have me on their very slow internet. I guess that was the compromise they reached as a result of my trying to initiate my renewal too early and (they say) losing my time. If my Spanish was better I would argue with them but why bother? I can Blog as long as I am patient to let photos upload and do email. That is all I really need anyway so Life is still Good!
Biking Tucson
5 hours ago
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